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Photography is exploring, feeling and living the present

Mastering Photography and Generative AI with MidJourney

Photography is my passion, and I want to share it with you in a direct and practical way.

The method goes beyond the conventional; It is a guide designed for photography enthusiasts. I will teach you the techniques that I use daily in my professional work, without unnecessary complications. You will learn pure photography: Visual Training, to interpret spaces, manage composition and master natural light.

Innovation with Generative AI

We already have generative image AI incorporated into our training program, specializing in the MidJourney tool. This powerful tool uses "commands" or "prompts" based on photographic knowledge, making the method the perfect combination. You will learn to master 100% this incredible generation tool through photography, with guaranteed results.

Transformation of the Audiovisual Sector

The AI revolution in the audiovisual sector has transformed the way we conceive and create images. With MidJourney, you will not only generate high-quality images, but you will do it efficiently and creatively. This method is the training path that guarantees the proper use of MidJourney, ensuring that you make the most of its potential.

Telling Impactful Visual Stories

My goal is simple: help you tell impactful visual stories. I will show you how to capture and create images that speak for themselves, creating unique moments. It's not just about theory, but about applying what you learn to develop your own photography style.

Ready to take your photography to the next level ?

Exclusive CORPORATE IMAGE Workshop

Generate unlimited visual content and build your own corporate image bank.

Optimize the resources of your internal communications, marketing and press department. Reduce costs by eliminating reliance on generic online stock images and maximize the effectiveness of your visual content.​



Master AI and turn it into your creative ally .

Develop your Photographic Vision to guide Generative Image Creation.

The first rule is to use your own photographs as a base. Without a quality real image, there is no successful AI generation .

Why Midjourney?

It is the standard in generative creation.
It allows you to use your own images as a starting point, teaching the AI your preferences to achieve unique results.


  • Control Midjourney with your style.

  • Develop a unique artistic perspective.

  • Apply what you have learned in photographic, advertising and audiovisual projects.

Our Generative Art Training Programs with Midjourney combine the fundamentals of photography with AI technology to boost your creativity and achieve stable images ready to publish.


CHE PIBE Server for Image Generation with Midjourney:

CHE PIBE is our specialized server, pre-trained on Midjourney, with more than 35,000 images, designed to facilitate image generation workshops with Artificial Intelligence .

With your personalized license , you can take full advantage of this expertly optimized environment, which efficiently interprets commands with photographic parameters.

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