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THE PECHERVSKY METHOD - in Audio Book version - includes Illustrated Guide.

THE PECHERVSKY METHOD - in Audio Book version - includes Illustrated Guide.

Audio Book:

Pechervsky Method: "Challenge your gaze"

Includes an illustrated guide with the practices of the Method so you can visualize the exercises.

Narrated in Spanish by Francisco Lara

Duration: 2 hours and 10 minutes

This audiobook contains a PDF with a practical guide that includes graphic examples to facilitate understanding of the exercises.

About the Method

Introduction: Let me take you on a fascinating journey into the world of photography with the Pechervsky Method. This method goes beyond simply learning how to operate a camera; it's about discovering your own visual voice in the vast universe of images.


With the Pechervsky Method, it doesn't matter if you use a professional camera or your smartphone; You will learn to see beyond the lenses, to find beauty in the everyday and to capture moments that tell stories on their own.

Along with the audiobook in .mp3 format, you will receive a PDF guide that will allow you to view the graphic details of each exercise.


We will discover together the secrets of perfect light, the angles that transform an image and the genuine expressions that give life to a photograph.


This journey is not only about techniques and tools, but also about exploring photography as an art that can become your profession. I am here to guide you on this exciting path, where each click of the shutter is an opportunity to capture the magic that surrounds us.

Are you ready to start?

For more information, contact us.

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